Sunday, June 18

My Favourite Musicians: A Personal Top Ten

Music has been an integral part of my life, in more ways than some and I have been lucky enough to discover many talented and inspiring musicians over the years. Here are ten of my favourite musicians, in no particular order:

1. Simply Red  - This British soul and pop band, fronted by the charismatic Mick Hucknall, has been enchanting audiences since the 1980s. Their unique blend of soulful vocals, catchy hooks, and smooth grooves makes them a timeless favourite. 

2. Frank Sinatra  - The legendary crooner and actor is one of the most iconic figures in music history. His smooth, velvety voice and impeccable phrasing have made him a favourite of generations of music lovers.

3. David Bowie  - The late, great Bowie was a true original, constantly reinventing himself and his music over a career that spanned five decades. His eclectic mix of rock, pop, and art music has made him a favourite of fans all over the world.

4. Wet Wet Wet  - This Scottish pop band had a string of hits in the 1980s and 1990s, with their smooth ballads and catchy pop tunes. Their heartfelt lyrics and soulful vocals make them a favourite of mine.

5.  Howard Jones - The British singer-songwriter and keyboardist had a string of hits in the 1980s, with his unique blend of pop, rock, and electronic music. His uplifting lyrics and catchy melodies make him a true favourite of mine.

6. The Rat Pack - This legendary group of entertainers, including Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, and Sammy Davis Jr., defined the cool and sophisticated sound of the 1950s and 1960s. Their smooth vocals, catchy tunes, and witty banter make them a timeless favourite.

7. Mozart - The Austrian composer and pianist is one of the most iconic figures in classical music history. His intricate melodies, sparkling harmonies, and emotional depth make him a favourite of mine.

8. Chopin - The Polish composer and pianist is one of the most beloved figures in romantic music history. His delicate touch, poetic lyricism, and intricate harmonies make him a favourite of mine.

9. Buddy Rich - The legendary jazz drummer is one of the most influential figures in music history. His lightning-fast technique, musicality, and showmanship make him a favourite of mine. Sending shivers down my spine.

10. The Beatles - The iconic British band, consisting of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr, revolutionised music in the 1960s and beyond. Their catchy melodies, innovative harmonies, and timeless lyrics make them a favourite of mine. 

These are just a few of the many musicians who have inspired me over the years, and I am grateful for their creativity and passion. I encourage you to explore their music and discover your own favourites - after all, music is a universal language that can speak to our hearts and souls.

Sunday, June 11

My Favourite Authors

Everyone has their favourite authors, those whose words and stories have touched their hearts and minds in a meaningful way. For me, there are ten authors who stand out above the rest as my absolute favourites. In this blog post, I will share a little bit about each of these authors and what makes them so special to me.

is at the top of my list, and for good reason. His Discworld series is a masterful blend of fantasy and satire, with richly-drawn characters and a clever wit that never fails to make me laugh out loud. Pratchett's writing is both entertaining and insightful, and his books always leave me feeling uplifted and inspired.

Another author who holds a special place in my heart. Her detective novels are classic whodunits, with intricate plots and memorable characters that keep me guessing until the very end. Christie's writing is both clever and engaging, and her ability to weave together complex mysteries is truly impressive.

Perhaps best known for his creation of Sherlock Holmes, one of the most iconic characters in literary history. Doyle's writing is marked by his keen eye for detail and his ability to create complex, multi-layered plots that keep me on the edge of my seat. His stories are timeless classics that I never tire of re-reading.

is another favourite of mine, particularly his science fiction novels written under the name Iain M. Banks. His writing is marked by his visionary world-building, his philosophical themes, and his memorable characters. Banks' novels are both thought-provoking and entertaining, and I always find myself fully immersed in his imaginative worlds.

is a British author best known for his Dalziel and Pascoe series of detective novels. Hill's writing is marked by his clever wit and his ability to create memorable characters that feel like old friends. His plots are always intricate and unpredictable, and I never grow tired of trying to solve the mysteries alongside his detectives. He died in 2012.

is a literary giant whose works have stood the test of time. His novels are epic in scale, with vividly-drawn characters and a powerful social commentary that is still relevant today. Dickens' writing is both moving and entertaining, and his books have a timeless quality that continues to captivate readers of all ages.

a favourite of mine, particularly her Harry Potter seisries. Rowling's writing is marked by her incredible imagination, her memorable characters, and her ability to create a fully-realized magical world that feels both familiar and new. Her books are a joy to read, and I always find myself swept away by her storytelling. Although some of her personal views may be controversial.  

is an author whose works have had a profound impact on my life. His Chronicles of Narnia series is a masterful blend of fantasy and Christian allegory, with timeless themes of love, sacrifice, and redemption. Lewis' writing is both imaginative and insightful, and his books are a constant source of inspiration and comfort for me.

is perhaps best known for his epic fantasy novel The Lord of the Rings. His writing is marked by his incredible world-building, his intricate plots, and his ability to create memorable characters that feel like real people. Tolkien's books have a timeless quality that continues to captivate readers of all ages, and his influence can be felt in countless works of fantasy fiction.

is a Scottish crime writer best known for his Inspector Rebus series. Set in Edinburgh and the area around it. These include Knots and Crosses, Hide and Seek, Tooth and Nail just to name a few. In total there are 27.
I was introduced to these by the TV shows in the UK. With Scottish actors John Hannah and Ken Stott playing DCI Rebus.

Sunday, June 4

What now?

The last 3 years have kind of made this world more individual in my point of view. The last three years have been a time of great change, progress, and challenges. 

From political upheavals to technological advancements, the world has experienced a whirlwind of events that have shaped our present and will continue to influence our future. 

In this blog post, I will take a closer look at some of the most significant events and trends of the last three years, analysing their impact on society, the economy, and our daily lives. 

I will explore topics such as the rise of the 3 Prime Ministers,, the COVID-19 pandemic, the global political landscape, and the growing awareness of social and environmental issues. 

Join me as I delve into the past three years and uncover the forces that have shaped our world, particularly within the social group of disabled here in the UK. From a disableds point of view.
The 3 Prime Ministers of the UK

There were 3 people who have been prime ministers here in the UK. If you have been under a rock or you are reading this decades in the future. They are Boris Johnson Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak.

Was the first of the 3 and had to deal with the outbreak of the pandemic 0f COVID 19. There were so many mistakes that this person made. Many of which they will deny. One of the biggest was that they denied having a gathering of members in the garden and house no's 10.  Where the prime minister lives. When there was a lockdown here in the UK and most of the world. You can learn about him elsewhere but not here. Most importantly he was the leader of the conservative party at the time.

Will be known as the woman with the shortest term as a prime minister. With only 55 days in office. She was forced to resign because she was found unable to do the job she was set to do as the leader of the conservative party. She also was one of two leaders of the United Kingdom who saw two different monarchs. Queen Elizabeth ii and her son King Charles iii. 

Is currently the prime minister although he had been the chancellor executive of the UK during Boris Johnson's time as prime minister. 

In my view the whole of the government, particularly the conservative party, does not listen to the minority groups of people such as the disabled and poor. It seems to be only looking after the rich and selfish. And because of this attitude we are not heard so I use my voice to make a bit of noise .

This has been a running thread through my blog whilst moving house originally. As an event for me. I treated the time when we were on lockdown here in the UK, as winter because of the way the weather affects me. This meant that despite not catching the virus until last year towards the end of the actual pandemic. I stayed indoors more often than not. It did make me feel more claustrophobic than normal. This was because I was having to stay in even when it was nice weather in the winter. 
The government here in the UK didn't acknowledge that even the mild cases of cerebral palsy were allowed to go out when technically we were not meant to. Because of the fact that cerebral palsy is a neurological condition and the side effects of it are felt throughout life. It was at your own risk if you went out. I decided to stay in during those times because I just wasn't sure what the effects were going to be for me and I wanted to be there for my children as long as possible. In the end it did get me but I was extremely lucky because it was a mild case and I had had 3 booster injections to help my immune system. 
The virus is still around and I think it will be like the flu. In the sense that it will be a major problem in certain seasons such as winter the same as the flu. So I will be having the injection to boost my immune system in order for me to live as long as possible.


There have been so many things that have been boosted technology wise particularly things like zoom calls and online meetings. Previously these were held whilst in offices across the world but now more and more from homes. Although there are people who are going back into the office, there are many who won't. That could be for any reason. Which means that the financial crisis has been pushed through particularly here in the UK at the moment where the people who are poor or disabled. Although the financial crisis is world bound because of what had happened because of the pandemic. And we are technically coming out of it. 

So what's next?

Who really knows?
What do you think?

Fresh chapters with cp.

Hey there, Remember how I've been talking about my move and the process whilst having cerebral palsy? Well, I'm excited to announce ...