Sunday, June 12

A Normal Day in the life of Sweetestmoondust

I'm going to talk about what I do on a day-to-day basis blog and what I wanted to show you.  First of all, I set the alarm for 8 o'clock. The night before, I get up between half past eight and eight o'clock. because of my disability and it depends on what I've been up to. 

So if I am tired, then I ignore the alarm and carry on sleeping and feeling better. However, on an average day, I get up at about eight to eight-thirty and then do my skincare. Then I will get dressed and if I find it difficult, in the morning, for example, I've had a bad night, I'll ask my other half to help me because it's easier than actually doing it and quicker. 

Although I can do a lot of it, not all. Then I'll go downstairs and have breakfast.  breakfast will normally be a Herbalife shake or a breakfast bar or something like that. And sometimes I have cereal. Depending on what's going on is not always the same and then I will get on with a thing. 

Bit me, time is just a bit of silly me time. I'm playing a game or two on the phone, and my other half does a bit of what he wants to do for the morning. Then I will do more of my stuff, like starting to do my radio show. Like talking for the radio show for the day. 

I get my show for a week ahead. So I'm ready for that as well because it doesn't always happen that I can be available. So I tend to do it a week ahead and then I will work on my blog or have a bit of lunch. And then I'll go back and do what I need to do. 

As I said, it'll be so in the afternoon and after lunch. It'll be like having, social media work doing all the stuff like that for my blog and my podcast and radio shows. And also working on my blog and see. what my books are up to because I also write books, so they need to be advertised. 

I try to do a little bit of advertising for that as well, so that's all having to be done. And then it's usually about half-past four. I end up doing things like work clearing up, getting it cleared out, and getting ready for the kids. And when they come back from school because they've already left before I even get up most days because it's just easier that I then my other half has got one thing to cut focus on rather than three. 

So it's easier and then we'll have dinner together. All of us, you know, try and catch up on how the day's been doing what we've got. You know what we've done for school. What we've done each day and then we will be doing. Um, meanwhile half like to catch up together. 

We might have time to watch a movie or we might do a but you know, I'll read a book rather and he'll be watching a movie quietly or will be doing stuff for a couple of streamers that we know on Twitch and support them out a bit as well. They are rog3rbot and martocodo

And so that's what we do sometimes, as well. And that is mainly what I am doing on an average day. And if I'm not doing those sorts of things, it could be that I'm taking care of myself, bits and pieces. 

For example, yesterday it was my nails

and I have cerebral palsy. I can't have my nails painted by myself and I need someone else to do it. The same goes for other bits and pieces that I need to get done. So, I do that for myself, by someone else because I can't do myself care for that section. 

So it doesn't matter. So um and I'm hoping you enjoyed this sort of quick chat about what I'm doing on a day-to-day basis because I want to maybe do more like this and a few sort of reviews about it. So thanks and I will be putting pictures up maybe in the notes for what I'm reviewing. 

If I do a review of something, um, for example, I've got a few shopping hauls that I want to put out. So whether I'll be on my Instagram page or my Twitter page as well or Facebook even and that's the way around things as well that I will be using. 

So I have to do all those as well as advertising doing those hours, I get. So, you're talking more roughly about 10 in the morning, I'll start and finish around half 4 pm as full with a break and, and so I could be doing anything and everything between running the house and doing the social stuff that I like to do and advertising cerebral palsy showing that. We do things without too much of a hassle, but we can have a relatively normal life despite having difficulty of some sort.

Sunday, June 5

What A Week! My week with Covid19


It was a wicked week. This has been for me, I'm doing this off my phone as usual because I've been hit down with the dreaded lurgy. Otherwise known as COVID-19. I'm day six and I'm still positive. It's probably the worst thing I could think of ever, you know, the added issues. 

It has given my cerebral palsy and endometriosis problems. However, the problem I'm having is with my legs and the pain from the muscles and everything else, but it doesn't matter so much. I've had to give up my radio for a little while, just to make sure that I'm well enough. 

Because at the moment, I'm not able to do anything really without trying, not to scream in pain because it's so painful, what I wanted to do was that I could perhaps do things a bit more easily and it seems to be the only way that is helpful for me at the minute. 

Um, so I'm able to write and record at the same time. For this while, I'm resting as much as possible, but I've never had anything so bad. As this with COVID, it's ridiculous. You know, I'm lucky that I had the boosters and I had everything else. 

And with the conditions I have, it can be a lot worse and I wouldn't want this on anybody. It's not because my voice is a bit croaky. But I just feel very achy all the time in my legs. I've just begun to get my sense of smell back and taste. 

These are only just a few of the problems. I have an upset stomach because of it as well. I've had lots of other things as well. it's not pleasant but I know that it's gonna be over soon enough and I'll be fine. I mean having too much of anything breathing wise, despite having asthma, you know.

Getting used to Living in a New Home

  I want to talk about settling in the home as a disabled person. I say that because after the many moves over 14 months, this blog was on a...