Monday, February 28



I'm writing this as an emergency post because of what has been coming to light over the last few days in the country of Ukraine.

I am saddened that Russia has invaded Ukraine because it is not just the ordinary everyday person who is going to be affected by this on both sides. it is going to be by the disabled people who are going to be left behind

We may be a small minority in each country however our words should be heard as well and we need peace.

Once this is finished if ever. will be detrimental to everyone due to the stress I've mentally and physically that everyone will be in during and after because those are going to be the effect that is the longest term. Having a disability does not mean that we are going to be weak-minded but we have a physical or mental situation that is there. 


I am pleading as a blogger and as a person with a disability that peace is needed as soon as possible it doesn't matter what race you are or anything else because we are still all human no matter what. I'm hearing stories and imagining things that could not be envisaged in my life with a disability but can be imagined by previous pictures and events of disabilities caused by horrific events such as what is happening in Ukraine right now when I write this.

I am from the UK or should I say the United Kingdom but as I have said before everyone is the same inside we may have a different colour or religion but we all have rained bones and skin. and one of my reasons for writing out my blog is because I want to show that despite having a disability I am just the same as everybody else.

 I despise what is happening right now. I can see so much pain and stress caused by what is going on that Putin has started. 

The Ukrainian people need support in all ways possible. If you have a spare limb

support or crutches or anything that will help the disabled as well as the normal things such as food clothing etc that the average person has to have on a day-to-day basis in touch difficult times then please use your local charity bases where you can drop off extra bits and pieces that you have but don't need anymore so that they can be sent out to the people who need it the most. My heart goes out to all those people stuck in such precarious places right now in Ukraine and I hope that even my small voice can help you get the help you need.

I am asking for peace in the world as there are so many disabled people who are affected by war in whatever country. I do not condone any war

Sunday, February 27

A Crazy Year in Retrospect Part 3


Like the last post, life had been pretty calm, and able to do things calmly, with no real stress. I had started to get the sensation of anxiety coming back. I knew that the calmness was beginning to come to the end. I know while writing, this. It is only short term. The feelings being back made me know that this will also affect me. By causing problems with my type of Cerebral Palsy.


This month was the same although the sense of anxiety was getting stronger and stronger. I had been feeling more and more anxious about the future. I did do the 1st step which was a kind of relief.  Yet the uncertainty of the future means my cerebral palsy has been affected. Yet I don’t know how just yet.


This month again had been a mixed bag of feelings. I was able to get Christmas almost completed before the actual event. The stress was beginning to start showing itself. Through tightness of muscles and the inability to wind down.


This month was the end of what was a fairly good year before a new year which is a transitional one, to say the least.

Final ideas

The whole year had been a good one on the whole. Cerebral palsy has been good and life despite the pandemic was good this year

 This is the end of the series on the year in retrospect.

Sunday, February 20

A CrazyYear in Retrospection Part 2

 This is the continuing series of posts regarding my thoughts about the year. For myself before moving on about this year.


This month was quiet and was a month where I continued doing the things that made me feel better and recovering from the feelings of anxiety and fear that had been over me for so long. I didn’t realise until recently how pressured I had been whilst living in the previous place with the family. 

Covid hadn’t disrupted me that much as I hadn’t been out much during the winter and early spring. As the weather affects the way cerebral palsy causes issues for me in the season. So I was enjoying a bit of freedom but still limiting the amount I went out because of the pandemic 


This month was much the same as before and started looking after myself mentally and physically in some ways that I can. This included and still includes the following:

  • Manicure

  • Lashes tinted 

  • Eyebrows tinted and tidied

  • Hair cut


Again this was similar to the previous month. So it was relatively calm and the kids were coming to the end of their school year. The thing was the ability to say yes to what the kids wanted rather than say no all the time.


This month was the same as July in the sense that I was able to say yes to the kids, myself and my hubby.


Final thoughts

There was lots of freedom for me despite the pandemic. So I feel privileged to have been able to do the things I can while there are so many who have lost their jobs or life.

Sunday, February 13

The Year in Retrospect Part One

The last year has been another crazy one

Similarly to 2020, 2021 was a bit of a crazy one with the pandemic causing havoc to everyone in some way or another. Too many lives have been changed by this in unimaginable ways.

Businesses have had to change their ways in how they run. However, I’m not here to talk about the way they were changed. But how the pandemic affected me in the last year.


We had just come out of one lockdown and managed to move house just before the beginning of the new year. I wrote about this in a couple of posts such as and had been trying to extend my movement because we are in a bigger place. The change although good, on the whole, threw some unexpected challenges my way. These were that although my body liked the extra space it was not used to it. It took me a year for my mind to accept the change in the environment. As my body had been in a state of anxiety because of where we were before. So has only got used to it and now things will be changing at the end of 2022. Right now though that is up in the air.


This was a month of settling down and hoping to follow our dreams to a certain point. We were still in a lockdown so nothing had changed for me as I was again housebound. And  February is the middle of winter it is the time when I go out the least in any case. So in that respect, I barely left the house. It was also a time to start the mental change for the hope of following the dreams we had and recuperating mentally from the stress of the move and Christmas. 



So this was a month of waiting to find out if we could follow our dreams. So were quite stressed. The kids also were meant to be going back to school because it was deemed best they went back. Rather than homeschooling. But because they are young carers for me, it was decided that one of them should go back earlier due to their mental health. 

The last few months for me nothíng had changed for me with the exception that I was to see the people who help me be a more human person in my eyes as salons were slowly opening up.


This was a simple month as it was just a month that was just getting things done while waiting for an answer from the people who held our dreams in their hands. My cp over the last few months had been stable and we just spent time being together and I was writing my posts for this blog and finding that my provider was not as good as I thought it was. But struggled on

Final thoughts

This quarter may sound like the year was just a simple time of living and being while going through the year and life

Sunday, February 6

Cp Depression and your 40s

You're in your 40s and cp are throwing spanners in the works:

Ok, so you notice things are getting harder and you are more and more frustrated. I get it. I’m going through this stage of life right now and get what you are going through. 

What happened for me to begin with

Life was pretty good to start with. The kids were off to school and I was in control of what was happening around me. Yet I could tell that things were going wrong within me. Not chemically but physically. It was the little things that I was losing control of, such as putting my shoes and socks on or crossing my legs at the knee.

Those Feelings kicked in again!

As I mentioned in previous posts such as The feelings of frustration, and despair because of the way things are with my body I felt that I was losing control of everything around me. This included the feeling of not being a good mum because of the inability of being able to do something that I perceive that the average mum can do. And some of the things that I couldn’t do. Sometimes it is frustrating that the children wouldn’t do the chores that I asked them to do. And they were chores I can’t do anymore. You may say what about asking your partner to help. Yes, I did and do but just sometimes it is the feeling of loss of independence. It can be the realisation that says in 10years time the brain damage that is consistent changes something else that you thought you wouldn’t necessarily lose but lose anyway.

What I did

I did what most mums would do which was to nag the kids to help but this didn’t work. Because as the kids got older they became more and more independent and didn’t want and still don’t as I write this. But I have to realise they are teens right now and don’t want to do anything that their parent wants them to do. And that is normal! 

How I counteract those feelings:

When I first noticed that things were going awry I said to my hubby I thought I needed to go back on medications and so I went back to my doctor and went back on medication. And I’m not sure if I will ever come off them as anything can trigger an episode. And when I have been off them by mistake I acted like a completely wild animal with my anger and frustration. My kids have politely asked me to never come off them.

I also got another case of counselling and in this round, I had CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy). Which I do use almost daily. Because there are things that can trigger an event that causes that to arrive. But that is diminishing slowly.

Final words

So I have said what I used to help myself in my moods in this post and the posts before I mention the different types of ways of getting help for yourself as an adult and to aid children who have cerebral palsy to learn how to deal with their condition as they get older.

But it is up to you how you help yourself or the person you care for.

Wednesday, February 2

A strong quote to think

This is seriously an amazing quote to stay positive. It doesn't matter what age or anything you are.

Getting used to Living in a New Home

  I want to talk about settling in the home as a disabled person. I say that because after the many moves over 14 months, this blog was on a...