Showing posts with label headache. Show all posts
Showing posts with label headache. Show all posts

Thursday, September 30

How To Take the Headache Out of Life Changes

 So this is a difficult time for everyone around the world as mentioned in introducing being trapped in the house and how are you coping during these strange times

We are all having to deal with these life changes because of COVID 19. You know what though, this is the time to make these small changes in your own lives. What changes do you think you need to do? Organising timekeeping, routine making, self-care, mentally and physically, just to name a few. Well, this is the perfect time to do these things. If you haven't started it doesn't matter.
Now is perfect to do what you haven't done but have meant to.
You may also want to pick a new skill. So stop procrastinating and do it! Life is too short to not do what you need for yourself. There are so many places online that can you get free information and lessons on whatever you want to learn to do or get better at. these places include youtube, books, or ebooks. Have you got a kindle? Here's a link to get one if you haven't already Kindle E-reader What about trying to help yourself with your mental health. My favourite books to do this are How to be nice to yourselfHappy, and You are Baddass.  For time keeping my favourite book is Time is Money.  At the moment I'm reading The makeup of a confident woman which is about doing your makeup in a limited time and how important it is to do it for your own self well being.
As I said this is a difficult time for things and there are lots of things that are actually changing socially. And some of these are challenging for us as being social but as a disabled person, I am in the house permanently until the lockdown was eased and I am preparing to move home so getting ready to do so. I have mentioned this in one of the biggest stresses.

 So I completely understand where everyone is going coming from. Love and Peace 

Getting used to Living in a New Home

  I want to talk about settling in the home as a disabled person. I say that because after the many moves over 14 months, this blog was on a...