Thursday, September 30

4 Things You Can Learn from Studying Makeup of Princess Leia

 So it's May the Fourth. "May the Force be With You" as the saying goes.

What are you doing in this unprecedented time? Are you having an impromptu Star Wars Party without the costumes?

What about the simple makeup look that Princess Leia wears in the film "A New Hope"?

In the beginning, it was the seventies and there was nothing quite like it. George Lucas made a change in the world of the movie world. Yet makeup-wise nothing is as quite as iconic as Carrie Fisher's makeup and hair.
Carrie Fisher was the daughter of one of the old school Hollywood Power couples of the 50s, Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher. While also being a comedian and actress She also was the mother of Billie Cathrine Lourd who is in the later star wars movies.
Carrie died of cardiac arrest on 26th December 2016.
In the first scene that you see Princess Leia, she is wearing heavy black eyeliner yet neutral eyes with a strong pink blush and nude lipstick.

In the next scene, we see her being held by Darth Vader and the makeup she is wearing neutral greys as a subtle eyeshadow with pale blush and pink lips
In other scenes, she is wearing subtle dark shades of shadows with brightness with the use of lipsticks. Due to the darkness of the story, the makeup lightens the mood a little.
The final scene is when she is wearing orange, brown eyes with again a neutral blush and bright lipsticks as it is when she is giving medals to Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, and Chewbacca.
These looks are very simply done yet can be done badly. 
Chose the right tones that fit your eye colour as well as your skin tone. Otherwise, they can come across as stark and shocking which is not what I perceive the makeup was mean to do in the movie.
Make sure you remember to have fun.

What is Broken

 When I wrote this originally in 2019 my choice of candidate lost and the country picked Mr Boris Johnson. And as this goes up again on my new provider, USA has decided again after what seems to be a lengthy battle.

The Cracks

I had been taking a bit of a break and helping with local issues. While helping my local candidate get into parliament here in the UK. Thursday the country goes to the vote. 

I'm not here to discuss the politics of any country. But this country, the UK, has become broken because of the decisions that everyone has made and what the leaders have done with the decisions. 
Yet it is not just the country that is broken. The whole very existence of the world is broken. 

The damage is all over the place. You may disagree with me on that. On the other hand, you may agree with me. I see the damage through all types of things.
The Chips
The chips are the individual cracks that make up the world as a whole. So this is racism, religious views, political views and other opinions that people disagree with. From this though despite the different opinions we are all exactly the same inside. 

There are many colours in this world Pinks Brown's Yellows Just to name a few And yet these are the colours People are called
from a poem I wrote.

We all have bones, skin, blood and muscles. Wither you have brown, white, pink or dark skin. 

So everyone is the same inside. 
But it's not just these issues. It is almost impossible not to have some kind of discrimination and corruption no matter how big or small it is. 
The Story of Us
Does this mean that we have to be the same as what we have had in the past? 
I think not. The actor Morgan Freeman has an amazing show on #Netflix called #TheStoryOfUs and in the show, he discusses what has happened throughout history and what is happening now! 
It is worth watching because you are shown what can and must be done to protect the future of the planet and the life of your great-grandchildren and their families after them. 
It shows political history and problems as well as love and freedom of speech, information and being. Along with peace international. 

If you want the poem that the quote comes from then click below
What a mix
Download EPUB • 2KB

So Much freedom


I can't wait to put out more book reviews. It is so freeing.

Since focusing more on my blog I have been able to focus on more books that are for pleasure.
So although my last review was a self-help book in the post I really enjoyed it. 

I chose the book because there were both aspects of education and pleasure. I think books should be for pleasure but also for learning. I know that when I was at school studying for my GCSEs I hated reading.

I was only reading books that were for my exams and nothing for pleasure.

Again I felt like that while reading business books when I was working in Multi-Level-Marketing or Network Sales.
I know that they were important to read to help me grow as a business owner but I prefer to read for pleasure.

Right now I am in the process of reading a new book to review which will be out soon. Unlike the last book, the book I am reading at the moment is for pleasure.

I like a lot of different genres such as crime, mystery, biography, history and many more. And I love reading different authors and new ones although I have my favourite writers. These include Terry Pratchett, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie, just to name a few.

I would love to know who your favourite authors are and see if there is someone I haven’t read yet. Tell me what your favourite book is? And I will see if it is something that I have not read. Then maybe I can read it.
Let me know what you like

Love and Peace


Moving Forward: Its Not as Difficult as You Think!

 Things are changing yet again things are in limbo. That's ok and yes Covid19 is still here. That's not ok but we are getting through it.

Unfortunately, some changes have taken effect. For Example, having to wear a mask on buses and on public transport.
These changes have already been taking place particularly in China and Asia. As if people have colds they wear masks out of courtesy for the other people in the towns or villages where they are.

So these things are happening here in the UK. Closer to home things are also moving forward and it is exciting! There has been a bit of stagnation waiting for things moving but that is ok! Moving forward isn't that hard if you try to take each day at a time. I am learning to do this. I have no proper routine as per se because of my disability but that's ok. there however things that I have been doing daily not necessarily at the same time.
  • Watch positive GoalPost videos
  • Listen to the news 
  • Socially say good morning to people
  • Get ready for the day.
  • Say happy birthday to people online.
  • Watch a few episodes of my favourite tv shows while brainstorming in my own head.
  • Take a couple of social photos ready for my social media.
  • Read a book that I'm interested in
And I am ok with that because I know at least it's being done. I know I did a post on Being trapped in the house about time blocking for routines and I know I have written other posts about this too and I learned that because of my disability my time blocking is different to most people and it is up to you how you actually do it. 
Remember there are things are changing but try to stay positive. Blocking my time has really helped even though there has been a lot of challenges throughout there are difficulties because of the virus. Love and Peace  Xxx

A New Season ahead

Welcome to a new season of Life with Sweetestmoondust. And sorry for being away for such a long time. There has been so much going on for ...