Showing posts with label cerebral. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cerebral. Show all posts

Thursday, September 30

Moving on

 Right Now

I'm writing this because I haven't had much to say recently. I changed provider for the blog and life has got in the way.  Using some of the older posts and certainly cerebral palsy has played a lot in my life. And it will for the rest of it. 
Many people think that it is some kind of disease that is contagious. It is not possible to catch brain damage. I talk about it in Life with Diplegic Mixed Cerebral Palsy
Although my case is fairly mild there are so many different aspects of my life that it dictates long term decisions. Not just the short term ones.

For a long time, I have been trying to support myself and my family while doing things that others are doing.
This includes network marketing and multi-level marketing. While living in a place that we have outgrown as a family. I have personally been struggling to cope while living in it. So my health mentally and physically has suffered badly. I decided that I should go back to what I love which is blogging and writing.
What's Next. 
At the moment, we are in a sort of limbo, while we find somewhere that is more suitable for the whole family. And we can't wait for the actual move and start moving on to the future more positive than it has been. 
While We Wait
So while we house hunt I have learned a new hobby and loving it so far as well as learning how to use a new system for my blog. Which is a good thing as I want to educate people.
Have there been any changes? That has meant that you have had to make big changes to your life? 
I'd so love to hear what they are. 
Love and Peace 

Ataxic Cerebral Palsy What is it?

 Ataxia is a word for a group of disorders that affect coordination, balance and speech. Any part of the body can be affected, but people with ataxia more often have difficulties with balance and walking. So they look like they are wobbling. As shown in the video

Ataxic cerebral palsy is a type of cerebral palsy that affects a person's balance, coordination, and depth perception. The definition of, Ataxia, means “incoordination” or being “without order.” This type of cerebral palsy is the least diagnosed type.

So there are lots of different styles of walking one of which is shown in the video above. The one I have is

That is not me walking but a video of someone else doing the same type of gaited walk. which is called Tip Toe/Equinus Gait.

However, there are ways to help this.

  • Physical Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Speech and Language Therapy
Physical therapy is done in the same way as physiotherapy is done for spastic cerebral palsy but concentrates on what movement there is and changes the way of doing it.

Occupational therapy is done by using aids such as gait walkers and splints to change the way to do it.

When I was small the occupational therapy included plastering my feet into a different way. and the plastering was left on for 12 weeks at a time and was done 3 times. I was made to be walking like Charlie Chaplin.

And this actually worked very well. As I am still walking although I do use night foot splints to ensure that my feet don't turn in as they were as a child. Similar to the picture below.

My feet still turn in at night so I use a set of nighttime splints to ensure that they don't get too bad. But I am extremely lucky in the sense that I am aware of what my condition is and does it to me.

Speech and Language Therapy is used to help with speech and language as it is often difficult to understand. If it cannot be improved enough through the therapy then the person is given equipment such as the ones below.

which was made famous by the great Professor, Professor Stephen Hawking who had Motor Neurone Disease (ALS) and died in 2018.

This does not mean people with cerebral palsy are not the same as anyone else we just have added challenges that we have overcome to do what we want. I mentioned this in my post

January has Almost gone: Winter is half gone! with Cerebral Palsy playing

 A new month!

January is going. Tomorrow is the first day of February. Has anything changed for you?

Have you had to stay in more because of what has happened in the last year and this new month that’s just going?

Lots of little things have happened this month certainly for me. Some of the things I couldn’t control and others I could, that’s ok!

You know what though, February is a new month. Each day is like the new day of a book. I acknowledge that I am the one in charge of what I think and what I can do. There are lots of things I can’t do but I know what I can, that is important to realise.

There are days particularly in the winter when I do struggle with my condition. It makes me feel like I’m not capable of anything I mentioned feeling low several times in posts such as Urgh the feeling and Urgh again as well as Urgh!!! Cerebral Palsy can take a long run and jump. These posts are all written either in late Autumn or throughout Winter. S.A.D is also a possibility as my moods change as the seasons’ change.

The move and it's effects

Since the move, I know that it's just my cerebral palsy that is making me feel low. It frustrates me so much at times. Because of the energy, it is zapping from me. I think of what I should be doing as a mum, and as a wife, but I know it makes me feel guilty for having the Cerebral Palsy as I am too tired to do what is required at times.

The place we are living in is making me feel a lot safer and more confident in what I can do. I am a lot happier than I was before. At the old home

What now!

But now and then, the feeling of exhaustion. Just from day to day living wipes me out. On those days I just want to curl up, sleep until I feel better.

I realise that it is very much to do with what cerebral palsy has done damage wise. Causing more depression episodes the older I get. Due to the change in my own body’s ability to live from day-to-day.

If you are in a similar situation then check out Liz Whitely Counselling and her blog. In the post, I have linked above is all about cerebral palsy and mental illnesses particularly depression and all it's’ types. If you are really struggling mentally because of your condition then please contact her through the link and she will be able to help you in many ways.

Another way of getting help is by getting in touch with the Cerebral Palsy Advice UK Group here in the UK where they can help and point you in the right direction for the help you really need.

Love and peace

5 Real Life Lessons about Motherhood and Cerebral Palsy

 What are the problems with pregnancy and cerebral palsy?

After the birth of the child or children!
The first 5 years of motherhood.
The side effects of having children as a person with cerebral palsy.
The positives of having children while having cerebral palsy.

These are the questions that are often thought of by the families and women themselves that have cerebral palsy.

Cerebral palsy itself is not the reason not to have children. It is not contagious, it is not hereditary. It is the secondary problems that will be the issues that make either childbearing or parenthood or both a challenge.

I mention in my post Life with Diplegic Mixed Cerebral palsy what types of cerebral palsy I have and in What is Spastic Cerebral Palsy I talk about that particular type of cerebral palsy.

For me, the problems I incurred during pregnancy were actually minimal until I was in the last trimester. I was carrying twins and where they were sitting during that time caused problems.

These problems are even known for the average woman carrying a baby let alone twins. So taking time to walk anywhere took longer. Going to the toilet more often, morning sickness.

In the last trimester, however, I found it harder to walk anywhere except around the home where I would do what is commonly known as furniture walking. This form of walking is even done by the average elderly because they find it safer.

But when I was going for checkups or anything else I would use a wheelchair as I would be exhausted just walking out of the house.

The whole thing depends on your own circumstances and what problems you or your partner has regarding cerebral palsy. So please talk with your specialist but it shouldn't make any difference.

When giving birth, it shouldn't matter how either by natural or cesarian because it depends on your own circumstances and what's best for you and the baby/babies. For me, I had a cesarian because one of my babies was a breach. So it was safer for them to be delivered that way. However, it doesn't mean I didn't want to try naturally but it was safer the other way.

So What's next? After the birth of the child or children!

You get home after a day or two in the hospital and things have changed forever. Yes, there will be challenges. Like who is doing the nappies? who is feeding the baby? whos changing the child clothes and what about your own care?

You need to ensure your own safety as well as the child or children who you have. This will have to be some kind of network to support you during the first five years of the child's life. This should be your family and friends who support you anyway. There are also support groups but you will need to check what is available for your area and if you have to pay for it or not. If not can you pay for a nanny or Aupair?

The first 5 years of motherhood.

So you get home and you have a network of friends and family and support groups that help you on a day to day basis but you are in control of what you can do and what you can't and need support with. each month changes because the child grows and your own challenges will change at the same time.

For me, having twins was a challenge. I have a fantastic husband who supported me by taking the night feeds when I needed the extra sleep or helped me with changing nappies when it was needed. As well as having him I was able to put my twins into a nursery for a certain amount of time so both of us could have a sleep or do something else for ourselves. We also benefited from a charity called Homestart that supported families who have multiple births with at least one under the age of five. But these things are not always available so you need to find out what you have in your area.

The side effects of having children as a person with cerebral palsy.

Physically being a mum who happens to have cerebral palsy and did change my body. I was 33 when I had my twins and after a couple of years, I noticed lots of changes in my own condition. These include more tiredness, general wear and tear on my body meaning early-onset arthritis. I also developed flat feet as my arches collapse chasing around after two toddlers. both of whom are going in opposite directions.

Once the kids got to 3 years old I put them into preschool so that they socialised the same as any other children. Thus giving me time to do things like preparing for the meal at the end of the day or washing etc. These are things I'd do when the kids were taking a nap while they were at home.

While the children were there I would do a chore then sit and take a break to restore some of the energy and continue this throughout the day to conserve the energy I needed for when the kids came home.

It was also at this point when I started teaching the kids to do simple chores. These could be putting their leftovers in the food bin and their plate by the sink or help mummy sort the colours of clothing out so that a load could be done.

Some of these chores were also being at preschool so I was only reinforcing what was being taught at preschool or nursery. One of the biggest things I found help was actually having a cleaner in to do the chores that I couldn't do and what I wouldn't expect the kids to do at such a young age. A gardener was also a godsend for me as I'm not particularly green-fingered and my hubby isn't either.

But again all these things depend on what type of cerebral palsy you have and where you live. They also depend on what you are living in. Me I am living in a two up two down townhouse with victorian stairs. Meaning that they are extremely steep and narrow similar to the ones below.

But as I have got older my energy is weaning as things take me longer to do than the average person but it does not mean I can't be a mum.

The positives of having children while having cerebral palsy.

The biggest positive of being a mum while having cerebral palsy is that you are teaching the next generation of human beings how to accept differences in people.
You are also teaching the next generation how to be self-sufficient in life.
There are different challenges for every case but then everyone is different. When you decide to try to have kids then research about your own body and decide for yourself. do not let others persuade you otherwise.

Love and peace

Getting used to Living in a New Home

  I want to talk about settling in the home as a disabled person. I say that because after the many moves over 14 months, this blog was on a...