Showing posts with label new. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new. Show all posts

Sunday, August 11

Getting used to Living in a New Home


I want to talk about settling in the home as a disabled person. I say that because after the many moves over 14 months, this blog was on a semi-break/ hiatus because of not knowing how long I was to be in one place. I mentioned it in other posts such as What has been happening   But when I moved into my final home. I wrote a quick post a few months ago. about what I struggled with and mentioned the list below

This is a list of things that I wish I had known before moving into my final home. 

  • Involve the person with cerebral palsy in the planning process as much as possible. This will help them feel more in control and invested in the new home.

  • List any accessibility needs, to be addressed in the new home. This could include wider doorways, bathroom grab bars, or a lower kitchen counter.

  • Start unpacking and setting up the new home one room at a time. This will help to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

  • Familiarise the person with cerebral palsy with the layout of the new home. This will help them feel more comfortable and independent.

  • Be patient and allow plenty of time for the person with cerebral palsy to adjust to the new home.

For me, because of the previous moves, I was in limbo which meant that I could adapt relatively quickly for the emergency homes. but this is the home I plan to live in permanently. My body could not adjust quickly to the realisation that it could relax. And not worry about falling and knowing was safe. 

it has taken months to get used to the idea that I could put my hands on the wall to steady myself or use any of my equipment such as the home-help trolly to help me walk around and learn the differences in the surfaces of each room. I mentioned this in an earlier post A few months. It still stands as valid now as it did then because my body still hasn’t completely relaxed into the realisation it's safe. I think that is because I am waiting for the final things to happen to make it finally ready for the future. That's okay though as I know that these are going to happen but I don’t know when. I'm just going to have to compromise until then. 

I hope you took note of the list in either post as I found that it was indispensable for the transition so far. I just wish my body would catch up with the reality that I have been living in a safe place for it for some time now and it won't relax properly consistently. 

Tuesday, August 6

Is Hamnet by Maggie O'Farrell worth your time?

Since moving into a new home, I needed to start getting involved in the community so I joined the local library book club. 

Although there was one book that was to be read I was to start with the book that the group had read before and that was Small Pleasures by Clare Chambers

However, I am considering starting to write my blog again more consistently while reading that book. I decided to start with the book that they had read before that. That was Hamnet by Maggie O'Farrell. So I will begin.

 What is the synopsis?

The book is set in Elizabethan times when Queen Elizabeth the 1st on the throne. It is about a woman and her family. It begins with the loss of a child called Hamnet and then goes back to when the woman Agnes falls pregnant before marriage. Then loops back to the present time for her and how she deals with the loss and the family's own reaction.

The themes:

There are a group themes for this novel and they are:

  • Death

  • Love

  • History

  • Family dynamics


This is an obvious one with the death of Hamnet. So it is easy to see. Although a short one.


This one is not such an obvious one although it is combined with death because of Hamnet's death but also the early love between Agnes and her lover who becomes her husband while pregnant. And when they drift apart.


This one is again so obvious as Maggie O'Farrell has used language and description as well as setting. She used a specific dateline of 1596 as this is when the child Hamnet died as a main link for the entire book.

Family dynamics:

This theme is a little more subtle than the others but it is the biggest one. The reason for this is many people are secondary characters. These included Agnes’s husband, siblings, children, parents and in-laws. 

My Thoughts:

For me, this was a tough book to start especially with the split in the beginning. But I pushed through and enjoyed it. Because I heard about it before reading it. I was intrigued by how Maggie O'Farrell wrote it. She used the historical truth as a basis. It is based on the time of William Shakespeare's life and the actual death of his son who is called Hamnet. Maggie also told the truth from Agnes, his first wife's point of view. Although much of the story is fiction, those bits are based on truth. So is it worth it?  Well, that is up to you! I did enjoy many of the subplots as well as the main one.

Sunday, December 12

What does 2022 have for me?

What I think it has?

I think the new year has a lot of good things happening. Not everything is going to be what I wanted it to be. That's ok though just the same as 2021. 

There, as I said, have been lots of changes in the way things are regarding my disability. I think that the changes will be positive for the future to a certain degree. I'm hoping to have the final place, but it may not happen. We'll see. That's ok though because there is always going to be positive and negative. No matter what.
What do I want from 2022 ?

All I want is a way of being able to be safe and yet not stressed out too much. I know that this is going to be a difficult year ahead with the way that my family is going to have a head regarding their own situation such as GCSEs and a new place. We don't know what could actually be happening. We just have to take it month by month. 

So that means that we have to think about what is going on each month and make a small plan so that we have a monthly plan rather than a big goal for the entire year as something we can grasp on to. 
And that's what I think is going to be something that is going to help me as a person with anxiety. But it's also a lesson that I need to learn.

What I don't want from 2022?

I don't want to disabled person to be so stressed out that I'm panicking in a day-to-day situation for everything that has to be dealt with. 
I can manage if things are the occasional hiccup, but if there are lots of things that are causing issues then I will be full of anxiety and not wanting to do anything and instead wanting to hide so that is a negative side of 2022. Knowing what my disability holds in general makes it a lot harder at times to realise what we can do and what can happen and what help we have available.

What will I be doing in 2022?

I will be getting ready for the new home sorting things out to get to that stage and before setting down hopefully in the new final home but we can't confirm or any of that for the next year until the end of the year.  I'm going to be tentative about moving in this time next year, ready for the new place. 

What next?

My plan for now is to take each task that makes the future safe and secure for me and my family. As I know that the future can be very uncertain yet I can make it as safe as I possibly can. That is all I can do for now.

Thursday, September 30

Urgh! More changes ahead! Can't wait but good things come to those who wait!

 Oh no! Not again!

I have been struggling with things the last few weeks. I hate having them but depression and anxiety have been a real big struggle for me and I’m still having moments daily with anxiety kicking in. I know why but they are things that are out of my control. These are things that change the future of myself and the family and these things are scary. They are exciting but scary too.

Dealing with each emotion as they come:

For me, 4 main emotions come across me in anxiety and these are:
  • Fear
  • Worry
  • Anger
  • Frustration

These are because of the worry for the future and my family and the fact I am worried that what I want for the future

I have an amazing family and I am not sure what is going to happen in the future for them. I want them to be happy and do exactly what they want to do. Even if at the moment I have to consider my own life at the same time for the now.

Here things seem to be more stressful. But here are where things are less controllable. Because of the things I am planning for the future. I find that the people I am waiting for have their decision before I can take the next step for our goals.


This feeling is because of the worry from the plan not going ahead as planned


Again this emotion is coming up because of the other feelings that are brought up by other peoples actions or lack of action. Causing the uncertainty of the future for everyone else. Because I am not really worried about myself.

What do I do?

  • Acknowledge the feelings
  • Keep busy
  • Read
  • Listen to podcasts
  • Listen to music
  • Eat
  • Write my posts here.

But there are lots of different ways you can deal with them. Some of them are negative so although they are known I won’t mention them here. But the following are:

  • Reading
  • Watching movies
  • Listening to podcasts
  • Listening to books (Audible)
  • Sleeping
  • Have a shower
  • Eat comfort food.

What Now!

This is up to you because anxiety and depression are often interlinked and can be helped. Although it is said that you can be cured I feel that you can’t be cured but it can be held at bay for an indefinite length of time. As it's always possibly going to come back because of some event that could trigger it.

For Me.

Because of my own feelings that I mention I have decided to incorporate various things here so that there are different ways to show you that although there are many differences between people like me with disabilities and those of you who are reading this post who don’t have any physical condition but yet suffer from similar mental conditions. I am starting to bring things to a complete circle to prove that we are capable of doing things. There will be various ways to learn about cerebral palsy from a personal view. I can’t wait to show you.

Old and new things! the challenges of life

 The Old 

There are many things that I would love to be able to do. Many of which are out of the question. And yet there are many that I can do. 
My favourite things are books, makeup and music just to name a few. 
So much that I watch a few @YouTubers such as @LisaEldridge @DominiqueSaches and @WayneGoss for my makeup tips. Musically I listen to lots of different types such as #Jazz, #Pop, #Classical, #Swing, just to name a few. 
Bookwise I read a few favourites, such as @TerryPrattchet, @AgathaChristie, and @SirArthurConnnanDoyle. Although I am endeavouring to read more and different people. However, I am constantly drawn to my favourites especially when I am feeling low. 

New Challenges Suffering from clinical depression as part of my life because of cerebral palsy I end up feeling like hiding away and doing nothing. Yet as a child I remember my mum using my great grandmother's sewing machine. I remember her making dresses and quilting using scrap material.

As a child with cerebral palsy my agility and control of a foot pedal for a sewing machine was inconsistent. Meaning that it would sometimes become impossible possible for me to control the material and the speed of it going through the machine. 
But the thought of being able to make things for me has always been in my mind. As a teenager, I would make my own jewellery. 
New Challenges.  Similar to the items in the pictures above. However due to my age now and the effect cerebral palsy has on my fine motor skills, making it is harder to do the fiddly things. They are harder but not impossible. 
So after going through a cognitive therapy course early last year I decided to go to a group set up by a local charity called #InvolveKent. In which I have been learning how to use an electric sewing machine. I have also become more able to use the pedal. which is a great thing to check my maintenance in certain joints such as the ankle So although it won't be as neat as some at the moment I can do it. Or as the saying goes "do now get perfect later". I think the quote was said by @RichardBranson but I could be wrong.  For me, this saying is so true and has a meaning that I am just learning. 
But since selling the house my sewing has stopped as my machine is packed up ready for when we do move house. Are there any challenges new or old that you have? I'd love to know about them. Love and Peace  Xxx

Getting used to Living in a New Home

  I want to talk about settling in the home as a disabled person. I say that because after the many moves over 14 months, this blog was on a...